Your cash donation can help our families who are struggling to put food on their table.
Te Whare Putea Charitable Trust
Foodbank Account
BNZ Kaikoura: 02-0856-0060422-06
GST: 110-540-477
Charities Commission: CC48681
All Enquiries: Lyn Kirton
Ph: 027 333 2200
Te Whare Putea manage the Kaikōura Community Foodbank, based at the Heartlands Centre. Donations are made at New World Supermarket and by churches or collections at community events. Funds to stock the foodbank are donated from a range of individuals, groups and organisations.
People needing Foodbank assistance are interviewed by one of our staff to work out their needs.
In the past 12 months we have supported over 600 people in the Kaikoura Community with food parcels.
Donations are always needed. Items to donate include:
breakfast items (cereal, bread, butter, milk)
school lunch items (bread, spreads, fruit, cheese, crackers, plain biscuits)
main meals (easy preparation items, pasta, rice, eggs, tinned goods, sausages, mince etc)
basics (tea, coffee, Milo, flour, tinned fruit, general baking items)
sanitary needs (toilet paper, women's needs, shampoo, soap etc)
baby nappies and wipes
cleaning products (laundry powder, dish wash liquid, detergent)
pet food
Please contact us at Te Whare Putea on (03) 319 7243 or call Jenny on 027 247 6710 for further information.